Interview with Elle D Hayes

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I’ve enjoyed writing since my early teens but I didn’t decide that I wanted to be a working author until 2010.
What genre do you write and why?
Paranormal, contemporary and interracial erotic romance are my main genres.  I’d like to eventually do ménage and some traditional romance.  I write what I love to read.  I don’t think I would be successful trying to write something else just because it was the genre of the moment.
Tell us about your latest book.
Negotiating Love is an interracial romance that I wrote in answer to a challenge from my publisher Jayha Leigh at Beautiful Trouble Publishing.  It’s a short story about a couple dealing with commitment issues.  There’s also a scary hostage situation thrown in for those readers who like a little action/adventure in their romance. Like everything I write, this will be part of a series.
What marketing methods are you using to promote your book?
I’m harnessing the power of the internet through social networking sites, an active blog, and author pages on my publisher’s site ( as well as Amazon and GoodReads.
What formats is the book available in?
Adobe PDF, HTML and MobiPocket PDA.  Unfortunately, neither of my books are currently available in print format.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I absolutely love to READ!!!!  I also love going to basketball games and bowling with my husband but I have to tell you a secret…as long as I have my smartphone I can write.  I’ve been known to knock out a chapter right in the middle of a boring basketball game or if my hubby decides to bowl an extra round or two.
Who are your favorite authors?
That question is really too hard to answer completely because I have so many favorites. Some that immediately come to mind are J.R. Ward, Lora Leigh, Shelly Laurenston, Shiloh Walker, Maya Banks, Dana Marie Bell and Angela Knight. There're tons more than I can ever hope to list and I'm constantly finding new favorites.
What advice do you have for other writers?
Writing is an active art.  You should try to write every day.  It’s sounds tough, especially if you’re holding down a full time job but it’s doable. Get up an hour or two earlier than normal, write on your lunch hour or carry a voice recorder and dictate chapters as you drive.
What's your favorite quote about writing/for writers?
You can always edit crap but you can’t edit a blank page.
What's the best thing about being a writer?
The creative release.  I’ve always had an active imagination and now I have something to channel that into. The fact that I can make a living doing it is gravy.
Where can people find out more about you and your writing?
I’m also on Facebook and Twitter
Anything else you'd like to add?
I’d like to let your readers know that I also have a second book available called WYNTER’S BLOSSOM.  I plan to have 4-6 releases in 2012 so they should check my blog or Facebook page for updates.


  1. Great interview and great advice.

  2. Hi Elle!

    Great interview! I am so looking forward to more releases from you. Love your work.


  3. I totally agree. Writing everyday is important. Even if you don't have much time you should always try to get some words down.

  4. Great interview. Your story sounds very interesting.
    And I 100% agree with your advice--we should try to write every day!

  5. Great interview Elle.... keep it up


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