Creating a platform as a non-fiction author

If you're a writer of a non-fiction book you need to create a platform to help you sell it. With so many to choose from, what will make people choose your book over that of another writer on your topic?

A good place to start is to think about what you as a reader look for when buying a non-fiction book. 

If you have celebrity status for being an expert in the topic area covered in your book you have a slight advantage, but for the rest of us 'little people' it's important that we establish ourselves as a reference point in our topic.

Ways you can build a platform include:

  • Having a blog related to the topic of your book.
  • Speaking to audiences about the topic.
  • Publishing articles related about the topic both online and off.
  • Belonging to organizations or take part in activities related to the topic.

Obviously if you have a degree or other recognized certificate in the topic this will help too.

Image source: via edelgado823


  1. A blog can definitely help you getting a big platform for your fiction


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