Changes to the Writers and Authors site

As you will have noticed, several things have changed here on the Writers and Authors site.

New logo.
As pre-announced the Writers and Authors logo has been changed. The old logo with its books gave the idea that the site was just for authors of books when Writers and Authors is much more than that. The new logo better represents the site.

A new site design and layout.
The new design is simple and easier to navigate. The layout has changed to a 3 column site in order to reduce scroll time and make the site more organized.

The store.
You will now find the official Writers and Authors store in the navigation bar. Here you can purchase a variety of merchandise with the Writers and Authors logo. A great way to help spread the word about the site and the perfect way to start conversations about your writing career. 

"Nice water bottle. You a writer then?".
"Why yes I am, let me tell you about my latest project..."

You get the idea ;)

The 'about' page.
I've updated the 'about' page to include more information about myself and the aim of the site. I've added a photo too so you can see who is behind everything that happens around here. 

There are a few reasons for these changes;
  1. From the photo you can see I'm female. Seems silly but I often get emails addressed Mr.
  2. A lot of people seem to think the Writers and Authors project has a team working on it. Not so. I'm running the gig on my own for now and have been since I founded the site in 2006. The changes make this more obvious to visitors to the site.
  3. Part of my personal career goals for 2012 is to attract new clients for my freelance writing activities. Having my website clearly noted and a bit more background information about myself hopefully will help potential clients find me through the Writers and Authors site and lead to an increase in leads.
More to come.
I have more changes planned for the near future too. Work is under way on the construction of which will become the new home for the Writers and Authors project. 

The current site will become blog only with links like resources etc being moved to the main site. The blog will then be less cluttered and allow more space for advertising opportunities.

The main site will introduce the new online workshops feature (more information coming nearer to the launch) and mean that areas like the resources section can be developed and extended to include even more.

Guest posts.
I'm always happy to have guest posts on the blog and invite writers of all genres and levels of expertise to submit articles.

A few guidelines;
  • Posts should be between 300 and 800 words in length. I'm flexible though and won't reject a piece because it has 809 words in it.
  • All posts should be sent in plain text. No indents etc.. One line space between paragraphs. Verdana 12px.
  • Include a byline with your full name and a link to your site/social media profile (which ever you prefer) at the end of the article.
  • Send article in the body of an email.
  • If you send a jpeg image to go with your post (including its credit link) you earn brownie points ;)
  • Posts should be on topics that match the site content e.g. about writing, marketing, time management etc... 
Interview feature.
Writers of all genres and levels of expertise are invited to be interviewed for the blog. 

Although this feature is generally dominated by authors with books to promote I'd love to have more interviews with freelance writers, illustrators and other members of the industry.

I hope you like the changes taking place and continue to actively comment on posts and contribute to the site.

Wishing you all the best for a successful 2012!


  1. Wonderful blog! I found it while searching on Yahoo News. Do you have any tips on how to get listed in Yahoo News? I’ve been trying for a while but I never sbo
    seem to get there! Many thanks.

  2. Thanks for updating on the changes etc... thanks


I love to hear from you. So feel free to comment, but keep in mind the basics of blog etiquette — no spam, no profanity, no slander, etc.

Thanks for being an active part of the Writers and Authors community.