Are you part of the Blogosphere?

A blog is an excellent tool for a writer. It encourages you to write frequently and creates a platform for you to promote and network from. Blogging can also lead to job offers, speaking engagements and other media visibility.

"The Blogosphere is constantly changing and evolving. In 2011 we are seeing bloggers updating their blogs more frequently and spending more time blogging". 

This chart (taken from the State of the Blogosphere 2011 report at gives a nice summary of why people are blogging and it's benefits.

But with so many options available how do you decide which platform to use? I personally use Blogger. The fact that Blogger is owned by the internet giant Google is a major plus point in its favor. 

This infographic gives some nice statistics regarding blog platforms and their features:

Do you have a blog? Do you have multiple blogs? Which platform do you use? Share your views and the link to your blog in the comments section.



I love to hear from you. So feel free to comment, but keep in mind the basics of blog etiquette — no spam, no profanity, no slander, etc.

Thanks for being an active part of the Writers and Authors community.