CWL: Chocolicious by Geraldine Solon

Book title - Chocolicious
Author name - Geraldine Solon
ISBN - 978-1463699932
publisher- Solstice Publishing
formats available- Paperback and Kindle
genre- Women's Fiction

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book blurb: A week after Blair Nightingale’s husband, Larry, dies, she learns she’s about to lose everything she owns due to a foolish mistake Larry made. In an instant, Blair’s life is transformed from rich, Silicon Valley trophy wife to poor, widowed single mom. Her only goal now is to provide for her daughter. As Blair begins to pick up the pieces, George—Larry’s best friend and the man she truly resents—seems to always be around. When Blair is overwhelmed by all the challenges she faces, she seeks comfort in baking rich, filled, three-layered chocolate cupcakes that her grandmother once taught her, and soon Blair's life is changed forever.

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From the beginning this book captured my attention and I didn't want to put it down. It had deception, intrigue, romance and real life angst throughout. You had no choice but to hope that Blair's life as well as her newborn daughter's would turn out well. Family and friends played an important role and everyday life often got in the way. I'm not sure I would classify what Larry Nightingale did as a mistake as much as illegal and dishonest but however it's categorized his wife Blair pays the price and everything she does is to ensure her survival. As I read I knew that those rich filled, three-layered chocolate cupcakes that her grandmother baked had to play a major role in the story and I wasn't disappointed. So many details went into the description of the cupcakes that I could almost taste them. I recommend this book and look forward to reading other books by Geraldine Solon since this is the second book of hers that I've read andthoroughly enjoyed. 

Romancing the Book-


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