Review: There’s a Hippo on our roof eating cake

Title: There’s a Hippo on our roof eating cake
Author: Hazel Edwards
Publisher: Happy Cat Books
ISBN: 1-905117-09-4

Reviewed by Jo Linsdell.

There’s a Hippo on our roof eating cake is a wonderful children’s book about a little girl with a hippo on her roof. The hippo can do everything the little girl would like to do but can’t.

My two year old loves it and I’m sure it will appeal to other small children with vivid imaginations. The simple but colourful illustrations by Deborah Niland really help grab the interest of young readers.

There’s a Hippo on our roof eating cake offers something different from the usual children’s books for young readers and encourages them to explore their imaginations and helps explain why sometimes they can’t do things, for example when the hippo can ride his bike on the roof because there’s no cars on the roof.


  1. Activities and links at which is the author's site of Australian Hazel Edwards who wrote 'There's a Hippopotamus on our Roof Eating cake.(Puffin Penguin Australia) Six books in the series and a film out soon by Pocket Bonfire productions. celebrating its 30th anniversary as a picture book this year.


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