Site of interest: Library of clean reads is a nice site dedicated to book reviews. As the title indicates, it's a review of books that are free of explicit sex, profanity, graphic violence and paranormal themes.

The site is run by Laura Fabiani.
Author, writer, entrepreneur, workshop leader and founder of, an online resource for new and aspiring writers. My reading tastes vary greatly and I read both fiction and non-fiction. I review adult, YA and children's books, since I love reading to my children. I review books for pleasure and learning. I have a degree in Special Care Counseling and have worked as a psychiatric child counselor and as a special education technician at various institutions. I hold a diploma in Writing for Children and Teenagers and an advanced certificate in TESOL from the Canadian Institute of English. I also own a translation business, mainly translating medical documents from French to English. I am currently teaching Creative Writing Workshops in English and French and writing my second novel. It's a busy life!

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  1. Thanks for this plug, Jo! I really appreciate it.

  2. You're very welcome. It's a pleasure to share good sites I come across.


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