Free resources for writers

Today I'm offering a collection of free resources for writers. Some are to help your writing others the marketing aspects of promoting your finished product. Enjoy...

Create a free promotinal banner to display on your websites:

Create a flippable cover for your book:

Novel writing Programme

A very witty eBook by Mark Twain that will get you thinking while it makes you laugh. 

Free software that allows you to enter all your books with author, category, publisher etc and print them out in a variety of formats. BookDB 2.1.75

A powerful, yet extremely easy-to-use FREE time management and customer billing application. Easy Time Tracking 3.0

Free program allows you to create ebooks with this comprehensive all-in-one tool, not just a compiler! Self install EXE ebooks with one click.EBooksWriter LITE 2007.16.206

This site is designed to help novel, short story, movie, television, play, and video game writers develop new plot ideas. Over 2000 scenarios ranging from the normal to the bizarre are provided as a spark for the imagination.
Hatch's Plot Bank

A great way to keep all of your thoughts, notes and projects organized on your computer in an easy to access and easy to search format.  
ReadyNotes 1.0

Free internet programmes

HTML Resources for Building a Web Site

If you know any others please add them in the comments section.  


  1. Thanks for the information but easy timetracker 3.0 is only free for the 15 day trial period.

  2. Great info but the Mark Twain ebook link leads to another site entirely

  3. Thanks for our comments. I'll check the links again and see what went wrong.


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