Review: The Frugal Editor

Title: The Frugal Editor
Author: Carolyn Howard Johnson
Publisher: Red Engine Press

Reviewed by Jo Linsdell.

Given the general worldwide economic crisis of the past few years, a book explaining ‘How to do it frugally’ has never been so useful.
Carolyn Howard Johnson has compiled the ultimate guide that explains both why editing is important and how to go about it correctly whilst keeping your expenses to a minimum.
Published by Red Engine press, this practical guide to editing your work will help you demonstrate professionalism.
Carolyn starts by explaining what gremlins are and how to spot them. She then takes you through the step by steps of editing and gives a peek into the minds and query boxes of literary agents. She goes on to offer extremely useful tips and information about using words tools whilst reminding you never to trust your computer completely.
She then takes you through Adverbs, Gerunds, Participles etc…, deals with dialogue and shows you how to go about galley edits.
She even supplies appendixes complete with a sample cover letter and sample query letters plus other writers aids.
The Frugal Editor is packed with great tips to make the editing process simple and effective. A must have book for any writer who wants to put their best foot forward but also an indispensible tool for editors and publishers.


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  3. Jo, thank you so much for the surprise review. I'm glad you liked my The Frugal Editor, glad you passed on my theory that great editing is also great marketing. I mean,how can one shop a book without a picture-perfect query letter!?

    Those who are in the process of writing a book proposal might find my Great First Impression Book Proposal useful, too. It's only 49 cents and will take 20 minutes to read.

  4. You're very welcome Carolyn. It's a great tool that all writers whould have. I'm happy to help spread the word :)


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