Where can people find out more about you and your writing?
My website is found at http://donaldJamesParker.com . I have links there to my blogs etcetera. You can download my ebooks for free there. I also write book and movie reviews for The Christian Pulse http://www.TheChristianPulse.com and editorials for Ezine Articles and Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/x-8083-Sioux-Falls-Christian-Examiner
What genre do you write and why?
Christian fiction. I do this a means of promoting God's kingdom. I have tried to write something that would cater to the general populace, but I always end up putting stories of people finding God in them because I don't want to write a book that impacts a person for a couple of hours. My desire is to inspire them for a lifetime to seek fo the God who can grant them a blissful eternity.
Tell us a bit about your latest book?
Homeless Like Me is a book that writers can relate to. It is the story of an aspiring novelist who encounters success on his first venture in the arena of publishing and then has to make a difficult choice - between his book being published or hurting the woman he has fallen in love and betraying the God he has sworn allegiance to.
What advice do you have for other writers?
Just say “no” unless you’re willing to sacrifice your time, beat your head against the wall, and suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous reviews. This is not a business for the fainthearted. But once you’re convinced you have the talent to do this, never give up.
I am writing a book about Native Americans - focusing on the worldly pastime of high school basketball and the supernatural aspect of the Great Spirit coming to transform reservations from deserts of despair and hopelessness to oases containing a little piece of Heaven on Earth.
My website is found at http://donaldJamesParker.com . I have links there to my blogs etcetera. You can download my ebooks for free there. I also write book and movie reviews for The Christian Pulse http://www.TheChristianPulse.com and editorials for Ezine Articles and Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/x-8083-Sioux-Falls-Christian-Examiner
What genre do you write and why?
Christian fiction. I do this a means of promoting God's kingdom. I have tried to write something that would cater to the general populace, but I always end up putting stories of people finding God in them because I don't want to write a book that impacts a person for a couple of hours. My desire is to inspire them for a lifetime to seek fo the God who can grant them a blissful eternity.
Tell us a bit about your latest book?
Homeless Like Me is a book that writers can relate to. It is the story of an aspiring novelist who encounters success on his first venture in the arena of publishing and then has to make a difficult choice - between his book being published or hurting the woman he has fallen in love and betraying the God he has sworn allegiance to.
What advice do you have for other writers?
Just say “no” unless you’re willing to sacrifice your time, beat your head against the wall, and suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous reviews. This is not a business for the fainthearted. But once you’re convinced you have the talent to do this, never give up.
Be prepared for disappointment. Not many people succeed the first time out of the chute. Check out Randy Ingermanson’s testimony and advice on publication.
What are your upcoming projects?I am writing a book about Native Americans - focusing on the worldly pastime of high school basketball and the supernatural aspect of the Great Spirit coming to transform reservations from deserts of despair and hopelessness to oases containing a little piece of Heaven on Earth.
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