Blog Talk Radio shows

2 Blog Talk Radio shows that you don’t want to miss:

On Wednesday, July 8th - Host J.D. Holiday, Co-Host Laurie Zieber will welcome the following Children's Book & Young Adult Authors, and their books they are reading from, at 10 am Central:
Edna Cabcabin Moran - "THE SLEEPING GIANT: A Tale From Kaua'i"
Karen Cioffi-Ventrice - "Day's End Lullaby"
Irene Brodsky - "Silly Kitty"
Mj Gillot - " Belle's Wings"
Laurie J. Edwards - “Summer Lovin”
Jan D. Holiday - "Janoose the Goose"
To attend and participate in this show
Call-in Number: (646) 649-1005
To hear the live/archived shows online, go to


On Wednesday, July 8th, noon Central, CJ West invites:
Join CJ as he meets with his first new voice of 2009. Rebecca Lerwill will be on the air discussing her sequel to Relocating Mia. The Acronym is a strong book from an author you'll be glad to meet. PLEASE join, CJ and his Guest on Blog Talk Radio


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