Would you like to be interviewed for this site?
New and experienced, traditional and self published authors are all welcome.
If so just pick 5 from the following questions and send your answers in the body of an email to writersandauthors@yahoo.it (question in red must be answered)
New and experienced, traditional and self published authors are all welcome.
If so just pick 5 from the following questions and send your answers in the body of an email to writersandauthors@yahoo.it (question in red must be answered)
- Where can people find out more about you and your writing?
- What made you want to be a writer?
- How long have you been writing?
- What genre do you write and why?
- Where do you get your inspiration to write?
- Tell us a bit about your latest book?
- What prompted you to write this book?
- Who are you published with?
- Have you ever taken any writing courses? Which? Did they help when writing your book?
- How are you promoting your book?
- What advice do you have for other writers?
- What are your upcoming projects?
- What other writing interests to you have?
- How did you research for your book?
- Do you belong to a writers group? How does it help your writing career?
- How do you over come writers block?
- How do you prepare for author events?
- Do you have an agent? What made you choose them?
- Anything else you'd like to add?
I love to hear from you. So feel free to comment, but keep in mind the basics of blog etiquette — no spam, no profanity, no slander, etc.
Thanks for being an active part of the Writers and Authors community.