What made you start writing childrens books?
My toddler is fascinated with books. One day my son opened a book and just stared intently at it as if it captivated him. I remember hearing how celebrities such as Brooke Shields and Madonna have written children's books. From then on I thought if they could do it why can't I? That's when Fred the Frog came along out of nowhere.
Please tell us about your latest book?
Gonzo the Curious Cat was inspired by my brother-in-law Gonzalo, AKA "Gonzo." When he was a young boy he was struck by a car, it nearly ended his life. In 2008 it happened again. A car struck him, nearly ending his life once more. What are the odds of that? I went to visit him in the hospital and I got this compelling need to write a story for children about safety awareness. Each character is named after a family member. The book is actually based on many misadventures that my brother-in-law has lived through. He's just like a cat with 9 lives. It is also dedicated to my father-in-law who recently passed away (Farmer Louie).
Where do you get the inspiration from for your books?
Where do I get my inspiration? Good question. It's difficult to say because it's just something I carry in my heart. Sure certain things can trigger ideas, everything around us is a potential idea for books, but it's the never ending passion I have to create stories that gives me the inspiration to write and create. I think knowing that my son will one day read my work makes it all worthwhile and special.
In April this year Gonzo the Curious Cat won Best Cover art in The Authors Lounge awards. Do you design the covers for your books yourself?
Gonzo the Curious Cat was actually my first water color experience. Because it is a self-published title I was able to choose an illustration for the front cover. My first book, The Fabulous Adventures of Fred the Frog is a POD title. The publisher originally chose a different cover that was identical to the title page. It wasn't what I had in mind. After a few suggestions they created exactly what I visualized. I was very pleased with the outcome.
Do you have any tips for new writers wishing to write childrens books?
Write, write, write with your heart's content and don't give up. Read books in the genre you want to write in. Don't ever stop learning. Don't be afraid to ask authors questions. You'll never know the answer if you don't ask.
Where can people find out more about you and your writing?
I am currently seeking representation for my debut novel. I am also working on both a paranormal romance story and a memoir (as well as other children books). You may visit my Website at: www.MartzBookz.com. I also have a blog at: www.martzbookz.blogspot.com and a reviews page:www.martzreviewz.blogspot.com
Anything else you'd like to add?
Where there's a will there's a way. It's a tough world, but just imagine if all successful people gave up, we wouldn't have lawyers, doctors, or even a president! I often like to turn to these quotes. Visit MartzBookz.com and click on MY QUOTES page for more inspiration. Keep reaching; keep believing, if you don't who will?
"Rejections are often gifts of direction"
-Paul Young
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
-Eleanor Roosevelt
My toddler is fascinated with books. One day my son opened a book and just stared intently at it as if it captivated him. I remember hearing how celebrities such as Brooke Shields and Madonna have written children's books. From then on I thought if they could do it why can't I? That's when Fred the Frog came along out of nowhere.
Please tell us about your latest book?
Gonzo the Curious Cat was inspired by my brother-in-law Gonzalo, AKA "Gonzo." When he was a young boy he was struck by a car, it nearly ended his life. In 2008 it happened again. A car struck him, nearly ending his life once more. What are the odds of that? I went to visit him in the hospital and I got this compelling need to write a story for children about safety awareness. Each character is named after a family member. The book is actually based on many misadventures that my brother-in-law has lived through. He's just like a cat with 9 lives. It is also dedicated to my father-in-law who recently passed away (Farmer Louie).
Where do you get the inspiration from for your books?
Where do I get my inspiration? Good question. It's difficult to say because it's just something I carry in my heart. Sure certain things can trigger ideas, everything around us is a potential idea for books, but it's the never ending passion I have to create stories that gives me the inspiration to write and create. I think knowing that my son will one day read my work makes it all worthwhile and special.
In April this year Gonzo the Curious Cat won Best Cover art in The Authors Lounge awards. Do you design the covers for your books yourself?
Gonzo the Curious Cat was actually my first water color experience. Because it is a self-published title I was able to choose an illustration for the front cover. My first book, The Fabulous Adventures of Fred the Frog is a POD title. The publisher originally chose a different cover that was identical to the title page. It wasn't what I had in mind. After a few suggestions they created exactly what I visualized. I was very pleased with the outcome.
Do you have any tips for new writers wishing to write childrens books?
Write, write, write with your heart's content and don't give up. Read books in the genre you want to write in. Don't ever stop learning. Don't be afraid to ask authors questions. You'll never know the answer if you don't ask.
Where can people find out more about you and your writing?
I am currently seeking representation for my debut novel. I am also working on both a paranormal romance story and a memoir (as well as other children books). You may visit my Website at: www.MartzBookz.com. I also have a blog at: www.martzbookz.blogspot.com and a reviews page:www.martzreviewz.blogspot.com
Anything else you'd like to add?
Where there's a will there's a way. It's a tough world, but just imagine if all successful people gave up, we wouldn't have lawyers, doctors, or even a president! I often like to turn to these quotes. Visit MartzBookz.com and click on MY QUOTES page for more inspiration. Keep reaching; keep believing, if you don't who will?
"Rejections are often gifts of direction"
-Paul Young
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Great interview & good advice!
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