Editor Unleashed writing contest

Don’t miss this groundbreaking new writing contest sponsored exclusively by two great online resources for writers: Editor Unleashed and Smashwords!

Cash prizes to 40 writers including a $500 Grand Prize and publication in the Editor Unleashed/ Smashwords Flash Fiction 40 anthology.

You help choose the winner. No entry fee!

The Dates:
May 18th - June 14, 2009: Post your story on the Editor Unleashed forum.
June 15 - June 26, 2009: The Popular Vote. Stories ranked by members of the Editor Unleashed forum.
June 30, 2009: 40 Winners announced!

How to Enter:
• Writers post flash fiction of 1,000 words or less on the Editor Unleashed forum. Contestants must be registered members of the forum to enter. (Membership is free. Only one entry per writer please.)

You Help Choose the Winners:
• All members of the Editor Unleashed forum will be eligible to rank stories. The popular vote will help decide the winners!
• With close consideration to popular ranking, Top 40 winners—including Grand Prize winner—will be chosen by Maria Schneider of Editor Unleashed with assistance from a select group of agents and editors.

Prizes and Promotions:
• The Grand Prize winner will receive a $500 cash prize (courtesy of Smashwords) and will be interviewed and promoted on the Editor Unleashed and Smashwords blogs. The Grand Prize winning story will appear first in The Editor Unleashed/Smashwords Flash Fiction 40 anthology.

• 39 Editor’s Choice winners will each receive $25 and have their stories included in The Editor Unleashed/Smashwords Flash Fiction 40 anthology published by Smashwords as a free ebook. Once published at Smashwords, the anthology will also be available in other online bookstores that distribute Smashwords ebooks, including Stanza,the ebook reading app used by over 1.5 million iPhone and iPod Touch users to read ebooks.

• Entrants grant Editor Unleashed and Smashwords non-exclusive digital rights to publish their story in a digital anthology available on Smashwords and in online bookstores and websites that distribute Smashwords books. You keep full rights to your story.

• All 40 winning stories will be promoted on the Editor Unleashed and Smashwords blogs.

visit http://editorunleashed.com/contest/ for full details


I love to hear from you. So feel free to comment, but keep in mind the basics of blog etiquette — no spam, no profanity, no slander, etc.

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