Brummets radio show - Authors read

There is nothing like hearing a story told the way the author intended it to be read… straight from the author’s lips is even better! Drop by and listen to Authors Reads radio where authors, storytellers and poets read their published work.

**Find updates to archive listings at:

- Mar 13 - Mercedes Van Essen - 5 Minutes to Financial Freedom (self-help)
- Mar 14 - Mercedes Van Essen - Stop Procrastinating Yesterday (self-help)
- Mar 16 - Stephen Redic - Out of the Rain (selected short stories)
- Mar 20 - Raphael Cushnir - The One Thing Holding You Back (self-help)
- Mar 21 - David Slater - The Book of Nonsense (children's)
- Mar 23 - Lisa Mininni - Me, Myself & Why (self-help)
- Mar 27 - Libbe HaLevy - My Mother's Lamps (short story)
- Mar 28 - Libbe HaLevy - First Boyfriend (short story)
- Mar 30 - Mercedes Van Essen - Cure Your Money Problems for Good (self-help)


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