Ciara Gold Interview

Tell us a little about yourself
I like to think of myself is a Renaissance woman in that I have many interests and talents. I sing, play really bad guitar, read, draw, paint, sculpt, sew, garden, cook, and I play a decent round of 42. When I'm not writing, I teach high school art and take care of my wonderful family.

When did you decide to become a writer?
I'd always dabbled at writing, but about five years ago, a very dear friend, Jolie Mathis, convinced me to write in earnest and here I am.

What was your first published work?
Celestial Dragon which became the number one best seller for Champagne Books for 2006.

What is your dream as a writer?
Oh man, this is a hard one. My first dream was to become published which has happened, so I guess the next hurdle would be to find a home with one of the larger publishers, then place on the New York Best Seller list. Ultimately, I want to be productive when I retire from teaching and what better way than to work at something I love.

What writing avenues are you currently pursuing?
Hmm, right now, I'm trying my hand at other genres besides Science Fiction Romance or Historical Western. I'm working on two short stories which is challenging as I'm used to writing full novels.

Is there anything you wish you had been told earlier in your career?
I always knew promoting myself would be part of the game, but I never knew just how much work it would require. I think I came into writing with my eyes open, but even so, there are still some facets that I wish I'd had more information on like promotion, and contracts.

What advice can you offer writers just breaking into a serious writing career?
No matter what obstacles stand in your way, persevere. Keep writing, keep honing your craft and keep networking. For all the writers out there, this really is a very small community. And above all else, keep a posititve outlook on life.

Anything else you want our readers to know?
Yeah. DH grills the best ribs in Texas. Okay, so that wasn't writing related, but give me a creative minute and I'll see if I can tie it all together. Ah ha, ribbons. A bit of a stretch, but (rib)bons tie things. Yes, even writers have their silly moments and it's way past my bedtime. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. You can find out more information and read excerpts of my books by visiting:


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