Jessica Temple Interview

Tell us a little about yourself, when did you decide to be a writer?
I am in my early sixties and a retired great-grandmother.
I decided to become a writer as young as probably nine or ten. Born in great poverty could not afford to buy a pen although they only cost a penny - the problem was the ink. Living in the middle of the country there was almost no transport. I had a great idea to crush berries from the trees and make ink, it turned out red and I was worried that my teacher would beat the Hell out of me, she was in fact delighted and thought my family had gone to Dublin to buy it specially, who was I to spoil a good story? that was until she looked at my hands covered in red. That was it I was interested in writing from that day on.
What is your dream as a writer?
My dream as a writer is to reach as many people out there as possible and to invite them to read my poetry and short stories, There is no having to follow my thought but if they see things from a different direction then I will be happy. God does not always pay His wages in money. The spiritual uplift I get from writing is amazing and I believe that education is the tool we need today and I am learning all the time. My writing makes people laugh, cry, and at times feel a bit scared.
Is there anything you wish you knew in the beginning?
Yes, I wish I had seen the importance of the use of English words, I was taught Latin and Gaelic at school and Latin has helped me but Gaelic is only used to write up my diary...
Any advice for others just starting out?
My advice to those starting off writing as a career is to plan where you are going and who you are taking along that road, decide whether the characters are going to be admirable, or a let down and try to create that real feeling in your writing.
Anything else you want our readers to know?
I have had my first book published by PA last year entitled Mrs Reatha Hassan O B E and my next one shall be out soon called...Fifty World Greats which has excited me so much, refers to Bill Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, George Bush, and many more....My greatest regret is that P A are not taking on any more United Kingdom authors, I have manuscripts ready for publication and I just wonder if there is a `Ghost Writer ` in the U S who could have them published for me via P A...Just a thought...


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