Self Publishing

Most authors want to have their book chosen by an exciting traditional publisher and then to be given a wonderful advance. However, if that does not happen right away, self publishing is the common option many authors are taking.  The advantages include a higher royalty, and control over what may happen with the book in terms of future publishing or other potential opportunities. One may approach the industry with their own social media marketing, or hire a company that specializes in that field.  My decision to go with World of Ink is based on their work in the industry, plus I have had stories published in Stories for Children Magazine, and lastly due to my communication with Virginia Grenier who is a well-respected professional.

Learning Curve and Education
I've also found there is a learning curve in the self publishing arena, unless you are also a designer or paying for one. Indeed it is an integral part of having a professional looking book and trips to the bookstore to peruse published books, listening to other proofreaders, and utilizing customer service with your self publisher is suggested. I've actually found the education a tad exciting, and it has given me a new optimism about the industry - realizing how much work and time goes into each book to be considered in their decision process. I also have a fresh outlook towards the value of publishing in all departments.

Starting Point
I do believe self publishing is a great starting point. For writers who essentially want to consider all options, self publishing one book while sending out others for consideration, is at the very least an adventure. It may turn out to be more lucrative than imagined and a new success, or simply a stepping stone to being noticed by the big publishers. In any event it is a humbling and spirited way to launch a book and see what happens!

Guest Blog by Nicole Borgenicht. Nicole Borgenicht is a children's fiction writer. Her most recent picture book is The Bridge published by Publish America. Some of Nicole's other kid's stories have appeared in The Los Angeles Times Kid's Reading Room section, Stories for Children Magazine and LadyBug Flights Magazine. Additional works comprise poetry and essays, short stories, one act plays or articles  in magazines such as Arts and Entertainment Skyline and American Fitness. The Kids of Dandelion Township: Written by Nicole Borgenicht and Illustrated by Lisa M Griffin.


  1. Thanks for having Nicole as a guest blogger and on a topic many have questions about.

    1. As a self publisher I'm always interested to hear about how others view the topic. Like Nicole I found it to be a great learning curve. There's so much more to publishing a book than just getting the words down on paper.

  2. I have the impression most agents and editors don't want to work with writers who have chosen the self-publishing route unless those writers have hit it big. I think if you choose to go indie, you should embrace that choice whole-heartedly without looking back. Am I wrong?

    1. If you choose to go indie I agree that you should embrace it whole heartedly. That said, you should embrace which ever route you take if you want to be successful.

      As for editors and agents being put off by a writer that has self published, I don't think that's necessarily the case. Self publishing doesn't have the same reputation it used to with more and more writers choosing to self publish as opposed to doing so as a last resort because they couldn't get a book deal.

  3. Many traditionally published authors such as J.K. Rowling are self publishing some books. Then you have authors who self published being picked up by traditional publishers. It all depends on the books and the reasons behind which type of publishing you choose for it. As Jo said, the reputation has changed and continues to change in favor of self published authors. Ebooks being one of the biggest reasons why.


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